Refund Policy

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Privacy Policy:

Nutekinfo cares about the information that you share with us. So, please read this privacy policy and make an informed decision. cherishes its clients and customers, understands the need for protecting their confidentiality. That’s why, you can share your private details with us without a worry. The information collected by this website is used only the purpose of identification and loading the site services. None of it is shared or passed on to third-party websites, unless or otherwise specifically states.

Information collected through the use of cookies helps us to provide a better site experience. Similarly, information that we collect through logins and contact forms will only be used for providing our services. Membership information will be used by our employees to contact you, keep a track of the products/services that you purchase and will only be passed to our partner websites, only after prior consent.

How does Nutekinfo use personally identifiable information?

First and foremost, states that website users, searchers and customers don’t have to share their personally identifiable information for the purpose of browsing website. It is a client’s personal discretion whether they wish to share their name, contact details, email address and residential or commercial address. Personally identifiable information is only required for membership access and for the purchase of services. It must be noted that none of this personally identifiable information is shared with third party websites, advertisers etc. We can submit this information to partner agencies for providing you the services that you requested for.

At Nutekinfo, email addresses are the primary mode of communication, unless or until stated otherwise. A request can be made if you as a client want a different mode of communication. Otherwise, email information will be used for resolving queries, billings and payments, occasional newsletters or to pass on information about new products, services and special offers available on the website. Email addresses are also used to share information about your membership or any changes to the privacy policy, refund policy or terms and conditions. You can unsubscribe, change email addresses or opt out of this information using our ‘Unsubscribe’ button or by contacting our customer representative.

Using Cookies

Nutekinfo may use cookies for storing information. These cookies don’t restrict privacy. Rather, they are used for storing information and making web usage a better experience. Information obtained as cookies may be used by third party advertisers to showcase advertisements on the website. We encourage you to read privacy policy of third party websites before sharing information on them. But that doesn’t affect a user’s personally identifiable information.

Security of your Personal Information

We take care of your private information, credit card and banking details. Your financial information isn’t shared with anyone. At the same time, your banking information is only collected through secured gateway, ensuring that viruses and malware couldn’t attack it. Offline, your purchases and personal details are shared only with a few employees for billing or customer services.Have any queries related to our privacy policy? Email us at